“Nicolae Titulescu” National College is located in Pucioasa, Dambovita county, an area insufficiently exploited from a tourist point of view and with a low degree of industrialization which cannot satisfy the inhabitants’ needs. Pucioasa has been declared tourist resort of national interest since 1998, but its tourist potential was not valued enough, the tourists coming to Pucioasa being especially old people, Romanian citizens.
Statistically speaking, in Pucioasa, the Romanian citizens represent 99% of the community, 95% of the town population is Orthodox, the rest of the inhabitants belong to other religions.
“Nicolae Titulescu” National College is the only general secondary school in the northern part of the county and it is well known for the quality of its educational standards, having an important impact upon the local communities to which the students belong.
In our school, 759 students are Orthodox, but over 17 students belong to other Christian religions. Out of 776 students, 145 have at least one parent working abroad, 56 have serious social problems and benefit from social assistance within the programme “Money for High School Education”.
“Nicolae Titulescu” National College, which has received the Certificate “European School 2007” and “European School 2010” for the quality and the diversity of the European projects developed, can offer opportunities in order to solve students’ and community’s problems within this type of projects. The projects belonging to Comenius action contribute to the achievement of the school mission , that is: “the development of a climate able to ensure physical security and learning experiences to allow students to become responsible young people, informed and trained for a changing society, adaptable to new contexts, good Romanian and European citizens”.
This project is a very good opportunity to prove that our students can promote the national, regional and local tourist potential through culture.
Having good practices in developing European projects, we believe that we can coordinate the project and work together with our partners to build sustainable communities and partnerships.
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